Sunday, December 20, 2009

wow. it's been awhile...

perhaps it's been too long. my mind has wandered far and wide, here and there, there nor here.

questions still remain.
what am i supposed to be doing?
what am i striving for?
what could i be doing to fulfill my dreams?

i always feel i should have some sort of intellectual rant of the day, containing and not limited to, numerous empty, meaningless words. - - strictly used for the purpose of being "intellectual."

i feel as humans, we are trying too hard to be the next best, biggest thing in the world.
we are technologically advancing world, in an ecologically declining environment.
each life we add, hundreds more are taken away, be them ozone molecules, oxygen, plant life, etc.
ecology is fading fast.
but we keep striving. we keep doing. we keep producing. we keep running. keep driving. keep burning.

in a way, we are running in a never ending and treacherous circle, which will eventually be our doom.

we need to take a minute.

life is going by too fast. yesterday was last year. tomorrow's Christmas. next week is 10 years from now.

are we appreciating?
are we really living?


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